Lacky's Comm Info!
I'm a college student well experienced in writing fics- if you're looking for something to be written, I'm your guy!
Rates and Payment
My current rate is $1 USD per 100 words, rounded to the nearest whole amount. However, I may elect to write slightly more or less depending on the content of the story and logical flow. For example, for a payment of $15, I would endeavour to keep this at 1500 words, but I may write more or less if necessary in order to best satisfy your request.Payment is to be done through Paypal. I will ask for full payment upfront. I'll then provide regular updates and show you to seek approval on content/direction before proceeding further. If satisfied, I will provide you with the completed fic. Details will be discussed in DMs.
What I will and won't write
Specific Fandoms
-Dragalia Lost
-Granblue Fantasy
-Project Sekai
-Fate/stay night and FGO
-Fire Emblem
-Tales of Zestiria/Berseria
-And others if I'm familiar with it! :)Yep
-M/F, M/M, Gen, etc.
-Angst, fluff, any themes really!Maybe
-NSFW (18+ only)Nope
-Excessive gore
-Other certain topics and themes (to be discussed)I reserve the right to refuse any request.
How it works
When requesting your fic, please be specific. You may ask for Komaeda/Dr Eggman, but it helps if I know what genre/vibes you're going for at least.Time
I'll generally complete your fic within 1-2 weeks, with a maximum time limit of one month. If I haven't completed your fic in this time, you will receive a refund based on progress made.Progression
I'll send you regular updates on the status of your fic. If you are unhappy with it in any way, please let me know sooner rather than later. I'm happy to make revisions as needed, but it's hard to do that with an already completed story.On this note, if multiple major revisions are made (to the point of writing a completely new story) I may charge more.Examples of my fics can be found here! https://archiveofourown.org/users/lackystars
Thank you so much for reading!
I hope to see you soon :)